We shall look at two major definitions of leadership: one a military definition and another business definition.

“Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character that inspires confidence”.  (LORD MONTGOMERY and Army General of note).

HAROLD KNOONTZ and HEINZ WEGRICH Business managers defined leadership as”…the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals”.  These definitions, though of different perspectives reveal some important things that form the bedrock of leadership. Standard is defined as the level of quality or excellence attained by somebody or something, or a level of quality or excellence that is accepted as the norm or by which actual attainments are judged.  (Encarta dictionary)

I Timothy 4:12 says’ (Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity). The Apostle Paul defined one of the responsibilities of Christian leadership when he said to Timothy, “be an example of the believers….” He listed six qualities in leaders that are looked on by others as models of Christian character and lifestyle.



A leader’s speech expresses the values he holds. Luke 6: 45, (A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaket). it reflects the degree of self-discipline he has (James 3:2); it is the instrument that honors and glorifies GOD; and it instructs and edifies others.


Actions mirror the motivation that a leader has within him. How a person behaves in all kinds of situations paints a picture of who he really is.


Just as a child senses his parents’ love, so the love of God is sensed in the lives of leaders. God’s love (agape) is a powerful motivating force that urges leaders to reach out to others.



A leader’s Spirit is like the wind: it can’t be seen but its effect is obvious. The traits of a healthy spirit are seen in a positive attitude, a submissive will, concern for others and the simple ability to be enthused.


The root meaning of “Faith” could be defined by the phrase to be the same”. A leader remains consistent in the belief of God and His word in the face of any circumstance.


Biblically, to be “pure” means to be “clean in speech, actions, thoughts and intents of the heart. Leaders in the Christian Church are to live as “examples of the believers” in ways that the scriptures set the standard. The Christian Declaration of Faith addresses the foundation of our faith in detail and needs to be ascribed to by each church leader. It is a fact that spiritual leaders reach out as representatives of God to touch people in His name. The life of our Jesus is the model – the standard – that guides Christian leaders in the choices they make, the things they do (or don’t do) and the life they live before those who have been entrusted to them to lead.

​All appointments should be for a term not to exceed one year, except as may be provided for in the Church Bye – laws. Each duly appointed leader is to be baptized in the Holy Spirit or be an earnest seeker and a member of the Church. It shall be required of each leader that he has a personal experience of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, that he feels definitely called to work in the Church and that he is willing to accept all the responsibilities of his office. Each duly appointed leader must be an earnest seeker and a member of the Church. It shall be expected that each leader rigidly conforms with the Church policy of separation, avoiding any conduct unbecoming to a Spirit filled life. Each leader shall be expected to attend any meeting or conference pertaining to his particular office. It is essential to gather together periodically to discuss the great work to which the Lord has called us, and to discover further ways and means of advancement. There should be such a burden for souls that none will allow anything to interfere with these important meetings.

Each leader should regularly attend all the Sunday Services, mid-week services, Seminars, workshops, and conferences to update themselves, especially those who, by virtue of their position as leaders, ought to be an “example of the believers”. For the sake of utmost harmony, each leader is urged to Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. All appointments and elections shall be for a term not exceeding one year, and shall be made accordingly to this standard or what is obtainable in their church or fellowship constitution and bye-laws.  If we do this it shall be well with our churches and ministries.

Prof. Wilson Adoh, PhD, Th.D.

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